Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Technosized Academy

Get ready for HCS's 1st "Technosized Academy" on May 24th!

Oh my goodness, I'm so excited! We never expected such a large response! We've had 171 responses and 286 checked it out and/or started the survey process. The wheels are in motion...we sent out a save the date invitation, a survey to see the interest areas of our teachers, completed the walk through to evaluate technology availability at Cherokee, we have an open call for presenters form on standby, and we've already lined up a few people to present. We're gearing up for what we hope will be an annual event!

Many of you have emailed me about registering for the event. We'll send out more information once we have the sessions lined up and the presenters secured. Stay tuned, once I catch my breath and get with Rosie, we'll send out more information!

Other Tidbits

Weebly - A few of you have indicated that you'd like an option, other than frontpage, to dabble at creating a free website. For a quick and user friendly suggestion, start with a weebly. The layout has drag and drop capability for easy editing.

Animoto - my old fav! I recently recommended this website to Julie Newland. I was so excited when Ms. Tamma Jackson (ChurchHill Intermediate) allowed her student to use this as a presentation tool in lieu of a poster board. Thanks for letting the kids infuse technology into your curriculum! The student had a blast and I heard that all of the kids enjoyed it! Side note: it's free for educator's, that's right...look for the link on the bottom left and sign up to get the $30 year membership for free!

Zite - This app takes all your favorite sites & articles, from multiple areas, and turns it into one easy to read 'magazine'.

StoryLines - great app for centers with a few iPads but multiple students...assign a topic, put the students in groups, 1 student starts and the others add to it - excellent for small group activities!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


What time is it??? 'TTT', that's right triple 'T'...TCAP Time in Tennessee --- and I had the best day w/ TCAP review!

I was blessed with teaming up with math specialist, Lori Allen, and a GREAT group of teachers at Surgoinsville Elementary! We implemented the iPad's for TCAP review with students in 3rd grade. We focused on three apps for reviewing multiplication. The highlight was when a student, that struggles w/ the material, had a hard time w/ 1 app but completely grasped it w/ another app. He went from <20% accuracy to 91% --- I was so excited! This just proved to me how much the iPad can and does impact education...they do accomplish differentiation w/ the same material! Thank you Surgoinsville for asking us to team up with you for TCAP prep!

Our 3 App's, ranked in order of student preference :)
  1. Grand Prix Multiplication
  2. Rocket Math Free
  3. Mad Math Lite

Happy App'ing!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy App'ing

I'm reflecting on my presentation at the ATA conference yesterday. I had a good turnout with about 40-45 attendees. I love it when I have the opportunity to share information! New apps and ways to implement the iPad is the hot thing right now. I'm blessed to be a part of it! I really love it when other people share with me and I can pass it on. Here are my top 3 fav's from the conference. Let me know if you use these in your classroom!

1. Sock Puppets - introduce and/or review material by building a puppet show, give the kids a topic and let them create a skit in pairs to demonstrate mastery learning....cute app! My son and I made a puppet show reviewing multiplication. I'm updating my blog and I hear him still playing with it. We did the 1's together and sounds like he's flying solo to create a review of his doubles. 

2. Socrative Teacher & Socrative Student -  build quizzes and get instant clickers = no problem, this app will turn your iPad into a free clicker, build quizzes with the teacher app, take them with the student app (must have wifi)

3. Comic Touch Lite - use a picture, write a blurb...infuse this into your curriculum by challenging your students to use a picture and a few words to reiterate the lesson

Happy App'ing!