Monday, August 27, 2012


iPads are great tool for differentiation and can easily be integrated into the classroom. I've listed my suggestions as you start integrating iPads into your classroom:

  1. REWARD....The iPad IS an extension of the classroom and should be used as resource/supplemental material NOT as a reward. If we treat it like a lollipop so will the students. If we use it as a way to engage students in the learning environment and find resources that enhance our materials, the kids will treat it as a learning tool.
  2. LESS IS MORE....The iPad CAN be used for a 2 or 3 students only. Don't limit yourself. If you teach a math lesson and you have a couple of students that aren't getting it, there's probably an app that will help. As you guide the remaining class into reinforcement activity, let these couple of students use an app to bridge the learning gap. Likewise, don't hold 2 students back if they are advanced and you need to reteach the material for the rest of the class. Find an app that will support your curriculum and offers advance materials for those couple of students. This is a great tool for differentiation!
  3. CENTERS.....aren't just for pre-k and kindergarten. I strongly suggest centers or stations even for middle school and high school projects. The iPad is an excellent tool to use in a rotation! Start a project and divide it into different stations, then break your class into group, set a timer for each station and start rotating. I think this is a great way to break the material up and keep the students engaged. The iPad can be used for reinforcement activities, research,  recording, reporting, camera tool for documentation OR???? ---- let your imagination run wild and fill in the blank to fit your content needs!
  4. TEACHER FOR A DAY....The iPad is a one stop tool to let the students teach and record. Take your current topic, assign 1 student a role of teaching and 1 student a role of recording, CHALLENGE them to reteach the material and engage their peers. The kids will love this project! Best of all, you can reuse the material to introduce material to students that may have missed the class!
  5. UNITE THE IPAD & COMPUTER....use both of the technology tools to let the students learn by exploring and integrate writing skills. Offer an exploratory time where some students use a pre-selected app/apps on the iPad and other students use a pre-selected website on the computer to 'explore' content that is pertinent to your curriculum. Once their technology time is up, have the students go to their desk and write in a journal about what they experienced. This will let the students work on their writing skills as they reflect on the the technology experiences.
  6. SEAMLESS....much like an interactive whiteboard, the iPad should be a seamless part of the curriculum. Plan to use it just like you would any other resource for your lessons. NO dog and pony show required because most kids LOVE it! It's a show stopper that will almost guarantee their undivided attention!
  7. COMMON CORE....many iPad apps are now aligned to common core. Search for specific apps or check out for suggestions based on your content!
  8. NO WIFI NO's a common misconception that wifi is required, it's not! Most apps don't require wifi in order to be functional. If you find an app that does require wifi, the odds are in your favor that there is a comparable app that will function without wifi.
  9. QUESTIONS....the only stupid questions are those never asked. If you need help, give me a call or shoot me an email. I'm happy to help but can't help if you don't ask. Most of the time, if you are experiencing confusion or a glitch someone else is too! Ask and I'll try to help!
  10. GAIN/ definitely can't EARN interest if you don't use the iPad. Experiment and find out what works for you. Using the iPad for differentiation depends on you. This includes the many different ways you integrate it. Your students will GAIN by utilizing the product. If you come up with an idea that you think others will love, share it! One of my fav suggestions for elementary classes was Talking Tom. I had only used this app for interaction but one teacher took it to the next level. She had Talking Tom 'give' her spelling test and the kids LOVED IT!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


T3 started this past Tuesday and we had a great turnout! We had about 40 teachers come for the Promethean Board session. Thanks to everyone who came to the 1st monthly technology session! After listening to my rendition of Rocky Top, I'm sure this group will be glad to tell you that I need to keep my day job!

Our T3 goal is to offer a variety of sessions that feature different technology tools every month. For the most part, these will be offered the 3rd Tuesday of every month. You must register to attend so be on the lookout for the registration link. It's coming to your email soon! 

IPad Mania will be the hot topic for the September 11th session and we've already had at least 50 teachers call or email! Join us and you too can be apart of T3......teachers teaming w/ technology!

Thanks for a great start to the 2012-13 school year!

 T3 (technology training team)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Technosized Academy

2 days of Technosized Fun! I have LOVED the last 2 days! This is by far one of the best parts of my job....teachers, technology, training, and energy!
Yesterday's Technosized Academy was AWESOME! We had a fantastic turnout and wonderful presenters! Thanks to everyone who made it possible! We hope make the Technosized Academy an annual event!
Shout out to the Super-iPadSquad ---- I had a blast today w/ the CHES & MCES crew! Thanks for asking me to be a part of your iPad integration. I hereby deem you all the Super-iPadSquad -- Teacher Up!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

St. Clair Career Day & Farm Day

Friday was career day at St. Clair Elementary School! I felt honored to be invited to speak to the K-5 students. The kids were engaged, respectful, and ask pertinent questions about my career. I must add - it was fantastic! As a former high school teacher, being able to interact with students from multiple grades levels is by far one of the highlights of my current position. After I explained the intricacies of my career, we had a little fun with technology. You guessed it, the iPads and they loved it!

Part of my presentation involved explaining the differences in classroom technology today compared to when I started teaching in 1999. While preparing for career day, I realized that we could look to farming as an example of how technology integration is beneficial to society and especially production. In today’s agricultural environment, technology is imperative for production. I personally feel that technology is imperative for today’s educational environment.

You might be asking yourself how on earth I came up with a farm analogy. Well, I had the privilege of attending farm day on Thursday. If you've never been to farm day, you've missed out on a big treat! I was impressed with the variety of activities that was offered to all 2nd grade classes for the entire county. The high school students and community volunteers did an excellent job at explaining the differences in agricultural today compared to years ago. One of the highlights was the cattle area. The students were introduced to a milking cow and learned about the different types of cattle. They were told that cows used to be milked by hand but now a machine was attached to the udders for massive milk production. This is a much more efficient way to get milk in large quantities. The next station enabled the kids to 'milk' an udder. Needless to say, they thoroughly enjoyed it! 

My impression from farm day: times change and we have to change with them if we want to be sustainable,  especially in education. A farmer who is relying on milk sales to provide for his family would be more prosperous by utilizing technology for collecting milk in masses verses using his hands. Technology enables him to collect milk from multiple cows at one time. This increases his milk production and his earning potential. I'm not comparing children to cattle but the analogy would still be applicable. Utilizing technology enables teachers to reach out to a variety of learners and hold their attention. To me, implementing technology in the classroom enables students to maintain focus and sustain knowledge. This results in an increase in student engagement which leads to productivity in the classroom. My theory: if students are engaged, they are attentive. Attentive students lead to an environment conducive to learning. The learning potential increases because the teacher has fewer disruptions due to discipline issues.The trickle down effect isn't a larger salary but it does foster a larger knowledge base. I truly believe that students retain more when they are interested in the way the material is being presented. Much like an active machine makes the milking industry more productive, the actively engaged learning environment equates a more productive learner.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Little Things

May is always a whirlwind of activity as we try to wrap up the year. It can be stressful as you finish paperwork, get your grades entered, get your room straightened, plus plan school activities and daily lessons. During the chaos, I'm reminded that the little things can mean the most. The little things can have a huge impact on the children in our schools. When we stop to listen to a student telling about his/her favorite part of the day, or listen when they tell us about upcoming vacations, or listen when they tell us they will miss a teacher during the summer, it makes us realize that each teacher has the ability to make a tremendous impact on a child. Just think, by taking a little time to listen you made a child feel important. Knowing that you have been the highlight of their day should make your heart feel a little warm. For me, these are reminders that I hold dear when I may not always feel that I'm effectively maintaining my usual routine. When I'm in schools, I feel productive when I accomplish the little things and you should too!
Quick update
  • Technosized Academy is under way...please register this week, we're in the process of getting the sessions put together & organized, hope to send out a list of sessions to registrants by the end of next week...I look forward to seeing you at the Technosized Academy on May 24th!!
  • STEM Academy at the L&N in Knox County on Saturday was one of the most relaxing conferences I've had the pleasure of attending...for you, check out Live Binders (tons of resources & easy to create), Edmodo (set our district up last May but haven't plugged it yet, great way to blog w/ your class), Flipped Classroom (amazing!, happy to share my thoughts if any of you are interested)
  • Summer Opportunity - ITA in Loudon at Eaton Elementary School on June 21st ---- free Instructional Technology Academy open to all of our teachers

App Ideas
  • StoryKit - assign kids a topic, let them be the author of their own story, type/add pictures/paint
  • Mad Libs - classic fill in the blank that we loved as a kid except you fill in the blank on the iPad
  • Science 360 - great science lessons, learning curve - use your fingers for navigation and page option, wifi is a must
  • This Day In History - daily update on historical moments

  • Animoto - have your students make a quick video that highlights their favorite lesson from this year, don't forget -- it's FREE for educators, click on the link on the bottom left of the page to register
  • Voki - create a 60 second Voki avatar to engage your students & peak their interests
  • WallWisher - create one for your class & let your students post a note that lists their favorite memory from lesson this year
  • Wordle or Tagxedo - ask your students for words that describe your class and use one of these websites to tie it into a neat little cloud

Looking Ahead

Happy to report that we have a new tech coach for next year!
Be can we assist you next year, what are some resources you'd like to see, is there anything specific that you'd like us to model in your classroom?? All thoughts and suggestions are welcome!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Technosized Academy

Get ready for HCS's 1st "Technosized Academy" on May 24th!

Oh my goodness, I'm so excited! We never expected such a large response! We've had 171 responses and 286 checked it out and/or started the survey process. The wheels are in motion...we sent out a save the date invitation, a survey to see the interest areas of our teachers, completed the walk through to evaluate technology availability at Cherokee, we have an open call for presenters form on standby, and we've already lined up a few people to present. We're gearing up for what we hope will be an annual event!

Many of you have emailed me about registering for the event. We'll send out more information once we have the sessions lined up and the presenters secured. Stay tuned, once I catch my breath and get with Rosie, we'll send out more information!

Other Tidbits

Weebly - A few of you have indicated that you'd like an option, other than frontpage, to dabble at creating a free website. For a quick and user friendly suggestion, start with a weebly. The layout has drag and drop capability for easy editing.

Animoto - my old fav! I recently recommended this website to Julie Newland. I was so excited when Ms. Tamma Jackson (ChurchHill Intermediate) allowed her student to use this as a presentation tool in lieu of a poster board. Thanks for letting the kids infuse technology into your curriculum! The student had a blast and I heard that all of the kids enjoyed it! Side note: it's free for educator's, that's right...look for the link on the bottom left and sign up to get the $30 year membership for free!

Zite - This app takes all your favorite sites & articles, from multiple areas, and turns it into one easy to read 'magazine'.

StoryLines - great app for centers with a few iPads but multiple students...assign a topic, put the students in groups, 1 student starts and the others add to it - excellent for small group activities!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


What time is it??? 'TTT', that's right triple 'T'...TCAP Time in Tennessee --- and I had the best day w/ TCAP review!

I was blessed with teaming up with math specialist, Lori Allen, and a GREAT group of teachers at Surgoinsville Elementary! We implemented the iPad's for TCAP review with students in 3rd grade. We focused on three apps for reviewing multiplication. The highlight was when a student, that struggles w/ the material, had a hard time w/ 1 app but completely grasped it w/ another app. He went from <20% accuracy to 91% --- I was so excited! This just proved to me how much the iPad can and does impact education...they do accomplish differentiation w/ the same material! Thank you Surgoinsville for asking us to team up with you for TCAP prep!

Our 3 App's, ranked in order of student preference :)
  1. Grand Prix Multiplication
  2. Rocket Math Free
  3. Mad Math Lite

Happy App'ing!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy App'ing

I'm reflecting on my presentation at the ATA conference yesterday. I had a good turnout with about 40-45 attendees. I love it when I have the opportunity to share information! New apps and ways to implement the iPad is the hot thing right now. I'm blessed to be a part of it! I really love it when other people share with me and I can pass it on. Here are my top 3 fav's from the conference. Let me know if you use these in your classroom!

1. Sock Puppets - introduce and/or review material by building a puppet show, give the kids a topic and let them create a skit in pairs to demonstrate mastery learning....cute app! My son and I made a puppet show reviewing multiplication. I'm updating my blog and I hear him still playing with it. We did the 1's together and sounds like he's flying solo to create a review of his doubles. 

2. Socrative Teacher & Socrative Student -  build quizzes and get instant clickers = no problem, this app will turn your iPad into a free clicker, build quizzes with the teacher app, take them with the student app (must have wifi)

3. Comic Touch Lite - use a picture, write a blurb...infuse this into your curriculum by challenging your students to use a picture and a few words to reiterate the lesson

Happy App'ing!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Sharing Resources

Do you ever had a continuous thought running through your head and you just can't shake it? We do too! Rosie and I are constantly trying to think of ways to improve technology and curriculum integration in our county. For a rural county, we are proud to say that we have a large amount of current technology available throughout our district....over 1000+ iPads, 450+ Promethean Boards, iPods, video equipment, distant learning, and Moodle. 

We are blessed with AWESOME teachers that integrate technology and fabulous curriculum ideas into their classrooms! Alas, time is an issue and we rarely have the opportunity to sit down with everyone and share information. I know that both of us are often pressed for time and you are too. As we see it: we have a need, we have a potential solution, and we have great resources.

Our need: We have a hard time gathering, as a group, to share resources
Our thought: We want to host our 1st county wide Technology Academy Day
Our goal: Teacher's sharing resources with fellow teachers throughout the county
Our date: TBA (leaning on May 24th, you'll get in-service credit for the 2012-13 school year)
Our solution: YOU - the fabulous teachers!
Our Cost: FREE!!

This is a work in progress and we still need to iron out the details. For now, we are planning to do an open call for presenters. Our goal would be to select the presentations that would help our teachers the most. Ideally, everything would be something you could integrate into your classroom.

Tell us what you think....would you be interested in attending? 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

iPad @ CHIS

Like many school districts, we cover policy and procedures when we first distribute the iPads. Let me say, this is definitely not the fun part but it is necessary. In the past 2 weeks, I have been able to complete the FUN part a couple of times. Helping teachers learn the settings and introducing a few apps is by far my favorite part of iPad integration!

I have presented at several conferences. Ironically, I rarely have time to do presentations with our faculty. We must make time for trainings but presentations are a different matter because we simply don't have enough hours in the day. I recently did a small presentation at Church Hill Intermediate School. We had 2 sessions and the 1st session was the best! I had the privilege of demonstrating the iPad to teachers from all over Hawkins County. This group of teachers were engaged and they came up with several questions that will help them with implementing the devices into the classroom. We have a great faculty and they are on the leading edge of technology integration!

Side note: Thanks to Rosie and Sheila for always being a HUGE help!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Like many of you, I tend to put new ideas on a back burner until time permits me to work on the projects that come to mind. Tonight, I decided there's really never going to be the perfect time for me to get things in order. So here goes, it's not going to be super organized or pretty but I hope it's informative.

I've had many thoughts and ideas about things I'd like to implement, share, or create. A lot of the things that interest me are the activities and technology that I see our teachers implementing in their classrooms. Unfortunately, we're all so busy doing our own jobs that we rarely have time to see these fabulous ideas in action. I've had a few thoughts that have constantly ran through my mind:
  • Hawkins County has fantastic teachers that do a phenomenal job! It would be great if we were all able to share and help one another.
  • There are more technology resources available than we have time to research, filter, and implement. It would be wonderful to have a forum where we could list what works and doesn't work.
  • Blogging is the IN thing right now and I want us to be a part of this HUGE community.
  • Many of us, myself included, have presented at conferences on the things that we love BUT we rarely have time to share this within our own school district. It's often a daunting task to think about putting our resources together in a formal fashion. So, could we use an informal process to list the tools that we utilize?
  • Hawkins County is Technosized! I'm very proud to be a part of implementing new technology in our county. We don't often pat ourselves on the back but many of you have innovative technology in your classrooms. YOU deserve recognition for using technology to engage your students!
My goal is to build this blog. You're ideas, thoughts, and suggestions will be a tremendous help. My 1st page showcases a freebie  and is posted on the right tab. Let's kick it off and get started!
