Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy App'ing

I'm reflecting on my presentation at the ATA conference yesterday. I had a good turnout with about 40-45 attendees. I love it when I have the opportunity to share information! New apps and ways to implement the iPad is the hot thing right now. I'm blessed to be a part of it! I really love it when other people share with me and I can pass it on. Here are my top 3 fav's from the conference. Let me know if you use these in your classroom!

1. Sock Puppets - introduce and/or review material by building a puppet show, give the kids a topic and let them create a skit in pairs to demonstrate mastery learning....cute app! My son and I made a puppet show reviewing multiplication. I'm updating my blog and I hear him still playing with it. We did the 1's together and sounds like he's flying solo to create a review of his doubles. 

2. Socrative Teacher & Socrative Student -  build quizzes and get instant clickers = no problem, this app will turn your iPad into a free clicker, build quizzes with the teacher app, take them with the student app (must have wifi)

3. Comic Touch Lite - use a picture, write a blurb...infuse this into your curriculum by challenging your students to use a picture and a few words to reiterate the lesson

Happy App'ing!

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