Thursday, March 8, 2012

iPad @ CHIS

Like many school districts, we cover policy and procedures when we first distribute the iPads. Let me say, this is definitely not the fun part but it is necessary. In the past 2 weeks, I have been able to complete the FUN part a couple of times. Helping teachers learn the settings and introducing a few apps is by far my favorite part of iPad integration!

I have presented at several conferences. Ironically, I rarely have time to do presentations with our faculty. We must make time for trainings but presentations are a different matter because we simply don't have enough hours in the day. I recently did a small presentation at Church Hill Intermediate School. We had 2 sessions and the 1st session was the best! I had the privilege of demonstrating the iPad to teachers from all over Hawkins County. This group of teachers were engaged and they came up with several questions that will help them with implementing the devices into the classroom. We have a great faculty and they are on the leading edge of technology integration!

Side note: Thanks to Rosie and Sheila for always being a HUGE help!

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